Pillowcase Buyer’s Guide

Pillowcase Buyer’s Guide

Jan 5th 2012

Trying to decide which pillowcase are right for you?  

Here are some common questions we receive about pillowcases:

What is thread count? When you look at an ad for a pillowcase it has a T in front of a number. For example, T-130, T-180, etc…. This stands for thread count. The thread count is the number of horizontal and vertical threads in one square inch of fabric. The higher the thread count the softer the pillowcase will feel.

So to bring this concept home, the T-130 thread count pillowcases will often be an economy (or least expensive) pillowcase, while a T-250 will tend to be more expensive. 

What is the difference in the type of material in a pillowcase? You can buy pillowcases with various blends of materials.

  • 100% cotton pillowcases will shrink more in the wash then blended pillowcases. They also tend to be softer, and for those of us who love all cotton, feel not only soft but very natural. These can be ordered by the dozen or in bulk.
  • Blended pillowcases sold in the USA typically have a higher percentage of cotton. For example 55% cotton 45% polyester. One reason why the blend is higher in cotton is that the import duty rate on a pillowcase that has more polyester is higher. The blends tend to wrinkle less. These may also be purchased by a single dozen or in bulk quantities. As always, the higher the quantity ordered, the more discount is available.
  • Pillowcases that have color are pillowcases that have been dyed a certain color, eg, brown or blue or green. These can be both used for institutional purposes as well as just providing some color to a bedroom.
  • Pure Finish Percale is a fabric that has a smooth finish and is tightly woven.
  • Mercerized cotton is a special kind of cotton yarn that is more lustrous than conventional cotton. It is also stronger, takes dye a little more readily, makes the yarn more resistant to mildew and reduces lint. It also may not shrink or lose its shape as much as "regular" cotton. Mercerized yarn stays shiny through washing and gives a nice, somewhat fancier look to finished items. Source About.com

What are the common sizes of pillowcases? Measureing one side only. Some websites might show the circumference around the pillowcase case as the measurement.

    • Standard Size: 20”W x 30”L
    • Queen Size: 20”W x 36L”
    • King Size: 20”W x 44”L

What is the HEM of a pillowcase? On the open end of a pillowcase you will find either a surged or folded over sewn hem. A surged pillowcase has no hem. The hem can range from 1” to 4” depending on the pillowcase. A person embroidering pillowcases often wants a larger hem on a pillowcase because they often embroider the hem with a design.

What are the uses for pillowcases? Besides the obvious use of protecting pillows, pillowcases also can be used for embroidery, screen printing, painting, crafts (sleepovers, birthdays, daycare, schools, etc…), pillowcase dresses, hotels, motels, military, Halloween costumes, and more… We even had a person purchase our pillowcases to pack moose meat out of the woods in northern Minnesota...the ideas are endless.

©2009 Assisted Living Store, Inc.

Our Pillowcase Comparison Chart:

Thread Count

Pillowcase Size











T-180 Percale



55%Cotton 45%Polyester

T-180 Percale Color



55%Cotton 45%Polyester

T-220 Egyptian Percale

Queen, & King

2" or 3”

100% Cotton

T-250 Mercerized

Standard & King


60%Cotton 40%Polyester

T-300 Mercerized

Standard & King


60%Cotton 40%Polyester

* Varies - We buy our pillowcases from several sources and occasionally the hem and material composition will change.

Once again, our pillowcase are sold by the dozen (except for the pillowcases that have been dyed a color which come in a pack of 6) and can be ordered in quantities as low as a dozen or in bulk quantities for more economy.